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Cartoons - 2022

Category Cartoon Date Illustrator
Food/Politics Cilantro Ruins Everything 12-19-2022 Tom Kerr
Christmas/outdoors 8 Tiny Raingear 12-19-2022 Tom Kerr
Music/Beatles Penny Lane To Abbey Road 11-24-2022
Tom Kerr
Shark Wine Dining
10-30-2022 Serhii Rudenko
15 Minutes
10-28-2022 Tom Kerr
Grimshot Reaper
10-27-2022 Tom Kerr
Music/Genius It's Raining Mensans
10-24-2022 Tom Kerr
Food & Wine Cheese Singles 10-21-2022 Tom Kerr
Word Play
Good Ol' Buoys 10-13-2022 Tom Kerr
Games/Hobbies Ikea Rubik's Cube 10-07-2022
Serhii Rudenko
Pumpkins/Halloween Pumpkin Spice 09-26-2022 Serhii Rudenko
Movies/Books/Hemp Humpback Of Notre Dame
09-09-2022 Tom Kerr
TV/Sitcoms Spud In The Family
Tom Kerr
Dogs/Farming Border Cauliflower 08-24-2022 Serhii Rudenko
Music/Oldies Ramma Lamma Ding Dong 08-02-2022
Tom Kerr
Where Cats Shop 07-16-2022 Serhii Rudenko
Cartoons/Famous Things
Downton Abbey Road
07-16-2022 Tom Kerr
TV Shows/Music Peanuts Allergy 07-16-2022
Tom Kerr
Marriage/Divorce Rex Husband 06-26-2022 Serhii Rudenko
Rick's Kidd's Place
06-23-2022 Tom Kerr
Manatees Oh The Hugh Manatee 06-23-2022 Tom Kerr
Famous People Cryptonite 05-20-2022 Tom Kerr
Failed Business Enterprise
05-12-2022 Serhii Rudenko
Food/horses/puns Horseradish 05-05-2022
Serhii Rudenko
Celebrities/Fish Koi Rogers 04-29-2022 Tom Kerr
Politics/Disney The New Goofy 04-28-2022 Tom Kerr
Celebrities/Social Media
The Twitter Birds
04-27-2022 Tom Kerr
Celebrities/Wildlife Reissue - WC Fieldmouse 04-27-2022
Richard Larson
Food/Drink Pineapple Pizza 04-11-2022 Serhii Rudenko
Cartoon Characters So Natural
04-02-2022 Tom Kerr
Tequila Sunrise
03-31-2022 Tom Kerr
Celebrities Pickled Pesci 03-24-2022 Tom Kerr
Football/Famous People Slow Moe
03-24-2022 Tom Kerr
Wildlife/Dating Dating Hyenas 03-20-2022 Serhii Rudenko
Twisted Twister 03-11-2022 Tom Kerr
Domino Effect
03-06-2022 Serhii Rudenko
Dogs/Archeology Canine Archeology 03-04-2022 Tom Kerr
Shakespeare Hamlet Bee 02-11-2022 Serhii Rudenko
Music/Children's Stories Pooh Fighters 02-05-2022
Tom Kerr
Food and Wine
Cheese Whiz
01-17-2022 Serhii Rudenko
Betty White
Heaven's Newest Angel 01-04-2022 Tom Kerr
Electrical Components The Resistance 01-03-2022
Serhii Rudenko
Lego My Documents 08-12-2022
Tom Kerr

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